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Friday, June 10, 2011


The PHPA are urgently looking to recruit more parents and family members to help support upcoming school events on the 18th, 21st and 24th of June. If you feel you could spare an hour or two to help welcome guests and serve refreshments, then please contact Mel Forster (PHPA Secretary) via the school office.

The PHPA are also hosting an open evening for anyone keen to join the group when school returns in September. Please see the PHPA section of the school website for more details.

We are very pleased to be able to advise you of the winners of the June numbers club draw as follows:

1st prize number 23, £20 Mrs J Swinbank
2nd prize number 27, £14.50 Mr H Roberts

There is only one outstanding draw for this academic year which will be announced on 1st July, so we wish you all good luck. Remember, if you would like to continue with this PHPA fund raiser you will need to complete an application form and return by 13th September 2011 - the forms can be found on the PHPA section of the school website. Thank you for your support this year!

Children aged 8 to 16 are invited to join the Darlington Arts Academy at the Civic Theatre this summer. Full details can be found here.

The Polam Hall Junior Journalists have once again been busy reporting on recent activities and their reports are now available on the website.

This half term is packed with events and your support is always appreciated. Click here to see which events you might be interested in.

Buttercup News is now available from the website and is available on both Facebook and Twitter. Our Facebook ‘likes’ continue to grow but if you haven’t ‘liked’ us yet please do - you can then help to spread the word about Polam Hall School!

The Polam Hall Team



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